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CastleSecretBlack01 - What is it?


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There's a static called CastleSecretBlack01 in Architecture - CastleInterior that's used above secret passages. It's disabled when the secret passage is opened. Does anybody know what its used for or why it's there? It's not a black mask. It appears to be invisible.

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It's a local map black-out to hide areas not desired to be visible to the player when viewing the local map. Hence placement over secret passages, so player cannot spot them before finding the switch to open the hidden door.

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Aha! Awesome, I really didn't know that. That would explain why there's 12 of them in the Anvil castle.

I think we could use them in our projects here.

I've found that they are easier to find if you enable the Parent-Child Indicator in the View menu in the CSE.

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