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T'was the Night Before Contract


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T'was the night before contract, and deep underground,Not a killer was stirring, not one to be found.The daggers were sharp and laid out with care,In the hopes that the Night Mother soon would be there. ... *cough* Haven't written any more yet, because I was hit by a severe fit of the giggles at that point.

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"And Sithis brings all the bad girls and boys some nice new poisons, and then we all go out and play pin the arrow on the Legion Captain! Doesn't that sound like fun?" *runs for her life*

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Sooo..... I saw this... and.... well.... Here... 




T'was the night before contract, and deep underground,
Not a killer was stirring, not one to be found
The daggers were sharp and laid out with care,
In hopes that Night Mother's words could soon fill the air
The house had been cleansed, of bruise and of rot
but the evil still lurked, the betrayal not thought
Our savior and grace in her unholy embrace
To to fall from the pedestal we so boldly had placed
But we wept inside for our savior so dear
the corruption not his but the rest, we had feared
In the Night Mother's home cold, wet, and vile
we offered ourselves heart, blood, and bile
In this moment of rite the betrayer made known
And cast from their place upon Mother's throne
Broken and blackened  our emotions all rare
The Night Mother spoke and whispered her care
Time slowly passed and moved as it should
till an ancient observer spoke from cloak and from hood
Of emotion and pain he drove hope inside
a stake made of joy for our savior revived
We work even now for the hope, for that flame
Undoing the damage of which we're to blame
Edited by Sunseahl
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